Taking Steps Toward Disability Inclusion in China


The US is home to the world's largest population of people with disabilities, with an estimated 1.3 billion people worldwide experiencing some kind of disability at some point in their lives, per the UN's 2018 Disability and Development Report.

And in China, the situation is even more dire, with an estimated 85 million people with disabilities, or 6.5% of the population, the Washington Post reports.

The country has enacted more than 60 laws and regulations aimed at protecting the rights of people with disabilities over the past three decades, and a business consortium called B in Action is trying to do just that in China.

But while China has made great strides in protecting the rights of people with disabilities over the past three decades, people with disabilities still face "enormous social and economic challenges, and are often perceived as sources of inconvenience and a burden on families and society," per a B in Action press release.

"The less visible people with disabilities are in public or working spaces, the less people without disabilities acknowledge their needs," the press release notes.

So far, 88 companies have joined the consortium, which aims to engage companies of various sizes and industries to understand and support disability inclusion, as well as foster a deeper understanding of the challenges they face, such as socialization and transportation.

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