Smart Grows Trust, Ridership Due to Its Recent Successes

Bicyclist and pedestrian usage of adjoining public pathways also reached a new high of 763,315 last year.

The sales tax, which generates $50 million annually and represents roughly 60% of SMART's total operating revenues, expires in four years.

A citizens group would need to gather signatures from 10% of registered voters in Sonoma and Marin counties to qualify a measure for the ballot.

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Selected Grant News Headlines

A customized collection of grant news from foundations and the federal government from around the Web.

Philanthropic Follies

The Wall Street Journal profiles the new book \"The Good Rich and What They Cost Us.\" According to the reviewer, the book, which covers over two centuries of American philanthropy, posits that...more

Financial Aid Information Session Hosted by Kalamazoo Community Foundation
Foundation: Kalamazoo Community Foundation

The Wall Street Journal profiles the new book \"The Good Rich and What They Cost Us.\" According to the reviewer, the book, which covers over two centuries of American philanthropy, posits that...more

As Asian-American Population Grows So Does Philanthropy in the Communities
Foundation: American India Foundation, Korean American Community Foundation

The Chronicle of Philanthropy highlights a New York Times article focusing on the growth of Asian American philanthropy. Asian-Americans who have built fortunes in finance and technology are...more

Mary Kay Foundation Awards Grants

Waypoint Madge Phillips Center Shelter has recently received a $20,000 grant from The Mary Kay Foundation in observation of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October. According to Anne...more

Paulding Education Foundation Awards $7,500

Paulding Education Foundation has recently awarded $7,500 to Paulding schools as a result of the foundation\'s School Grant Program. Recipients include South Paulding High School, Austin Middle...more

Make-A-Wish Foundation Crapo Park Walk Fundraiser

The Make-A-Wish Foundation will be holding its big fall fundraiser, a walk around Crapo Park in Burlington to help grant wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses, raising on average $8,600...more

Get your company’s top dogs engaged more in volunteer work and giving back programs through these 5 helpful steps: 1) Attend volunteering events, 2) Send some emails, 3) Put your money where your mouth is, 4) Board up, and 5) Celebrate successes.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

9/11 Heroes Stamp Program | Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) | Arizona Water Settlement Act of 2004 | Capacity Building Assistance to Strengthen Public Health Immunization Infrastructure and Performance | Cultural Resource Management | Grants for Outreach and Services to Underserved Populations | Unallied Industry Projects | Tribal Colleges Endowment Program | | Site Style by YAML | | Grants | Grants News | Sitemap | Privacy Policy

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders